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Kitchen Equipments

More than 50 years next to you, in your kitchens...

Bilge is working in manufacturing of stainless stell kitchen appliances more than a half century,design and produce equipment for industrial (commercial) usages. Bilge serve customers both in local market an international markets (more than 40 countries) with his products, manufactured in his plant of a 14 thousand sqm. with almost 150 employess, an certificated by national an internetional quality standarts. Bilge-Metalsan, specialized in manufacturing S/S finished and semi-finished googs ,supply materials to the other manufacturing companies in the market as well as retailers and the end users.

In his product range, there are

  • Gastronorm Containers
  • Distribution and service equipment
  • Sinks with and without uppertables
  • Bain-Maries with and without uppertables
  • Wells for cooking equipment(i.e deep fat fryers and boiling pans ,etc.)
2x Deep Drawing Presses - 600t

Start date:01.01.2013
Deliver date:04.04.2013
Firm:BILGE LTD; Turkey